Learn the Art Of Growing Spirulina

Our research is focused on easy and cost-effective solutions to growing spirulina. Join us to learn and experiment with spirulina cultivation, connect with other growers and share your experiences.

Check how much spirulina you can harvest per day with the space you have

What's all the hype about spirulina?

0 %

The ultimate FAT FREE, GLUTEN FREE, LOW CALORIE, Plant-Based protein

Amino Acids

Including 9 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS, in charge of important brain & muscle functions

Vitamins & Minerals

Including rare TRACE ELEMENTS and B vitamins which convert food into available energy

Natural Pigments
0 %

Powerful ANTIOXIDANTS to enlighten skin and hair with a radiant vitality!

Ready to Start Your Spirulina Cultivation Journey?

Learn the art of growing spirulina

Our research is focused on easy and cost-effective solutions to growing spirulina. Join us to learn and experiment with spirulina cultivation, connect with other growers and share your experiences.

Check how much spirulina you can harvest per day with the space you have

What’s all the hype about spirulina?

0 %

The ultimate FAT FREE, GLUTEN FREE, LOW CALORIE, Plant-Based protein

Amino Acids

Including 9 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS, in charge of important brain & muscle functions

Vitamins & Minerals

Including rare TRACE ELEMENTS and B vitamins which convert food into available energy

Natural Pigments
0 %

Powerful ANTIOXIDANTS to enlighten skin and hair with a radiant vitality!

Ready to Start Your Spirulina Cultivation Journey?

Learn the art of Growing Spirulina

Our research is focused on finding easy and cost-effective solutions to growing spirulina. Join us to learn and experiment with spirulina cultivation, connect with other growers and share your experiences.

Our Spirulina Guidebooks

Find all of our beginner hacks for growing organic Spirulina, including precise feeding recipes, day-by-day growth charts, harvesting, drying and more, all based on profound research and methodical testing, and compiled in plain English that anyone can understand!

A great resource for anyone looking to scale up their spirulina production and go from home-grown to microfarm in 12 days using raceway ponds.

Just Getting started?

Find a source of live spirulina

As a single celled organism, spirulina is constantly multiplying. You can’t grow it from powder though, so we’ve done our best to find growers around the world to get you started. Browse our list of partners to find one near you!

*Already have spirulina culture? Add it to our catalog!

learn about growing spirulina

Learn how to kickstart, grow, harvest, feed and maintain your spirulina culture. Experiment with popular mineral formulas for the growth and feeding stages, and find the one that best works for you. 

*Rather see our free resources? Try our Blog or FAQ

Gear up with equipment & minerals

We’ve gathered all the essential materials that will make your life easier when growing spirulina, whether at home or in a commercial setting.

*Not sure which minerals to choose? Check our free Glossary.

Free Resources for Spirulina Growers

Private: The Ultra Quick Guide To Starting Up Your Spirulina Production Pond

Raceway ponds 101

The basics of setting up a raceway pond for spirulina production.

ebooks and guides

Spirulina Glossary

Familiarize with commonly used ingredients for Spirulina culturing

customer-service grow organic spirulina FAQ

Spirulina FAQ

Our readers' most frequently asked questions answered

grow organic spirulina videos on youtube

Spirulina Videos

Inspirational spirulina sotries and tutorials from around the world

global spirulina network whatsapp group GSN

Spirulina WhatsApp Group

A place to learn and share experiences with other growers

global spirulina community grow organic spirulina

Partner with us

List your spirulina culture on our global catalog

frequently asked questions

The first thing you’ll need is some live spirulina algae culture. Then, you want to create the right conditions for it to grow and thrive. Given the right temperature, pH, light, nutrients, and about 5-10 minutes a day, it will grow and multiply by roughly 25% per day, allowing you to have your first harvest within 2 weeks.For more information on obtaining live spirulina, see our spirulina cultures collection.

There are endless models and techniques in which you can grow spirulina. Pretty much all of them include these elements:  

  • A large tank, aquarium, grow bag or pond
  • Water pump, air pump, paddle wheel or aerator
  • Harvesting cloth and frame
  • Additional heating, cooling or lighting depending on the growth environment and climate
  • pH/ temperature Meter
  • Secchi disk for measuring culture density

See all equipment in our catalog

It depends on the culture volume and the size of your tank. When the water level in your tank has reached full capacity, you can stop adding culture medium and wait for the water to thicken. This process usually takes about 2 weeks, and after that, you can harvest every 2-3 days on average.

Looking for spirulina cultivation support?

Whether you want to start a new spirulina farm, or you just need some guidance with a specific problem, our community of industry-leading experts is at your service - Just tell us what you need!