How to Make Potassium Hydroxide from Ash Water for Spirulina Cultivation
Ash water, AKA Lye is a powerful alkali base used in spirulina cultivation to replace potassium hydroxide. It is created by mixing rainwater and natural wood ashes.
Ash water, AKA Lye is a powerful alkali base used in spirulina cultivation to replace potassium hydroxide. It is created by mixing rainwater and natural wood ashes.
Although Wikipedia defines itself as the “free encyclopedia”, allowing anyone to edit its pages, there are interest groups out there actively trying to censor the Spirulina Wikipedia page by editing and re-editing it over and over again.
March 2017 has been a very fruitful month at spirulina.network, with the exciting journey of CEO Natan Gammar, who traveled to India on a quest to explore business opportunities and expand strategic partnerships. Accompanied by their kind hosts, Mr. KE Harish and Mr. Robert Shibin, Natan and Dov met with leading figures of the algae industry in india, as […]
Climate Change Infographic by Ditsa Keren How Growing Spirulina Helps to Prevent Climate Change CONSERVE WATER Unlike fruit & veg that constantly need watering, Spirulina grows on a set amount of water, avoiding unnecessary water consumption. REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS Spirulina absorbs Co2 from the atmosphere and turns it into bioavailable energy, thus reduces greenhouse gases. […]
Curious about how much Spirulina you could be producing? Try our free Spirulina Harvesting Calculator! With just a small space in your garden or windowsill, you can grow the most nutritious food on earth. Say goodbye to worrying about protein, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids – Spirulina has it all! By providing the ideal conditions […]
The original 1966 Zarrouk culture medium formula used by NASA included 2 liquid solutions: Solution A5 and solution B6. These acidic liquids require special care, as they involve the use of hazardous acids which, if not handled properly, can cause serious damage and discomfort, irritating the eyes and skin of the preparer.While we do not encourage the use of such chemicals, we find it of great importance to educate amateur and beginner growers so they can avoid unnecessary accidents.
Elliot Roth has been fascinated with synthetic biology since the age of 14. After studying medical engineering at the Virginia Commonwealth University, he came up with a number of projects all related to his great passion in life: science. In this interview, he talks about his latest venture- Spira- a Spirulina energy drink made of […]
Spirulina Network has teamed up with a group of African entrepreneurs, farmers and spirulina enthusiasts, to help them set up spirulina cultivation farms in several African locations. The group was formed after several African individuals in the Global.Spirulina.Network whatsapp group decided to cooperate to promote the growth of Spirulina in Africa and support malnourished communities. The […]
High amounts of complete vegetable protein and the variety of B vitamins, calcium and Iron make Spirulina dietary supplements very popular among vegetarians.
I am k.e.harish from andhra Pradesh, India. During my university studies, I used to be out of home a lot, eating junk food and working around the clock almost every day. At some point I started facing some health issues, such as excess mucus production. I began feeling very tired, especially during hot days. I […]
In india alone, 48000 cubic tons of sewage is produced every year, destroying plant and fish life in the hinterland water sources, as seen in the case of bangalore. If we are able to get spirulina growing in that sewage water, a lot can be saved, says Dr. Fehmida, an infectious diseases doctor from India […]
Welcome all new members. In the next few days we will be modifying and improving our website to better fit the needs of spirulina growers and suppliers, especially (but not exclusively) in developing countries. This site was created by growers and for Growers We built this website in 2014 out of the belief that anyone […]